Reforestation provides investment to the landowner, increase in future property value and forest sustainability.
Reforestation, whether by planning for natural regeneration or tree planting, allows for the accelerated development of forested ecosystems, especially following natural disturbance events such as wildfire, wind events, and insect and disease infestations, or planned timber harvest.
In some situations, relying on natural regeneration from existing tree seed and genetic sources may best meet management objectives. While on other sites where the seed source has been lost due to a natural disturbance
Today, the most common method of reforestation is artificial regeneration. In this method, quality tree seedlings are planted on a site that has been prepared by herbicide, prescribed fire, mechanical methods or a combination of these methods. This allows the forester to manage the number of trees per acre on site, depending on many factors, including site quality.
Sizemore and Sizemore averages overseeing the planting of approximately 1,000,000 seedlings per tract. Contact our experienced team today to learn more about regenerating plant life on your timberland.